“By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the LORD one turns away from evil.” Proverbs 16:6
Dear Heavenly Father, I love the foundational truths in this word from Solomon. My guilt over my bad choices is erased by your steadfast love. That takes the burden off my shoulders and gives me the freedom of grace. It’s what makes me love you so much. I should have had to pay for my own mistakes but you knew I couldn’t survive our justice, so in your steadfast love, you redeemed me by giving your Son. That blows my mind. It also makes me have deep respect (fear) of you. I would not ever want to offend you and your love. Your verse shows me that this respect because of your love is the highest motivation. It makes me choose to do good and avoid evil from the deepest part of my soul. You did and do all this for me, when I don’t deserve even a glance from your throne. You are my amazing God. Amen.
God is the always the bigger giver in our relationship with him.