Tuesday, December 5th

“Give joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”  Colossians 1:12

Dear Heavenly Father, I remember how excited I was when I knew I first qualified for a house loan.  That qualification was dependent on the declaration of the underwriter at the bank.  I had to let go and let him/her decide.  How much more with my eternal rescue.  I was totally dependent on you to “qualify” me to be a saint in your family and an heir of heaven.  You held all the cards and had many reasons to disqualify me.  But you didn’t.  Instead you lavished me with grace and forgiveness.  I get to live in a heavenly home on the same street as your Son who paid for my qualification.  I will live today as a thankful child.  Amen.

Never stop being joyfully surprised that God included you of all people into his family.