Saturday, November 4th — Abiding Faith Lutheran Church

Saturday, November 4th

“As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey.  So the churches were strengthened I the faith and grew daily in numbers.”  Acts 16:4-5

Lord Jesus, You are the Lord of the church.  You have drawn all Christians into this one body.  You have established us on the firm foundation of your Word.  We are one just as you and the Father are one.  Yet, I know that the Devil is hard at work to tear us apart.  If he cannot distort your teaching, he would tear us apart and break us into factions.  He would tear us apart through disagreements about things that don’t really matter.  And then, when he breaks the church through politics and not because of teachings, he destroys our credibility with the unbelieving world.  If he can tear us apart, he can ruin our gospel preaching.  Jesus, help me.  I know for my part I hold certain ideas and opinions that are just that, personal opinions and ideas.  They neither are commanded by your Word nor are forbidden by it.  They are aligned with what your Word says.  Yet, they are still my ideas and opinions.  Keep me, I pray, from making these non-essential ideas so important that I would divide the church because of it.  Do not let the Devil tear us apart.  Do what you must in me and in your church to keep us united.  Help me to remember how you have made the church ONE.  Work in me so that I am willing to die to my ideas and opinions to maintain the unity of the spirit in your church.  Keep your church united in truth, bound by love, and flexible in methods, the non-essential things, so that we can reach as many people as possible.  Amen.

Remember what we share.  We share faith in a Savior.  We share unity in a body in which the Holy Spirit dwells.  We share the truth of God as the foundation for our faith.  We hold God’s truth as a light for our path and a lamp for our way.  There are no hills for us to die on.  God help us as we maintain the unity of the Spirit and keep the bond of peace. 
