Wednesday, November 22nd

“The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage!  As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.’”  Acts 23:11

Father, Your will is perfect.  Your will is good.  Your will is saving.  Your will is necessary.  There is no getting around it.  Yet, sometimes I am afraid of screwing it up by making a bad decision.  Sometimes I am concerned that evil will win the day and somehow overthrow the work that you have done.  I am afraid that I will be too frail and too weak and too incompetent to carry out the work you have given me to do.  Father, let your will be done on earth just as it also takes place in heaven.  Do not sin overcome me so that I fall into sin and walk away from your will.  Do not let evil prevail.  The devil is constantly at war with your will.  He is constantly on the attack to destroy what you desire.  Get him behind you, God!  Get him out of the way in my life and in your plans.  Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Lord God, carry out your good purposes today and every day just as you have laid it out ahead of time.  Amen.

Take courage!  This is what God must carry out his purpose in and through our lives.  It is a divine necessity.