Monday, October 9th

“One of the high priest’s servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, challenged him, ‘Didn’t I see you with him in the garden?’  Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.”  John 18:26-27

Dear Jesus, How patiently and lovingly you gave Peter the rooster as a lifetime reminder that he needed your grace!  You would always forgive him for his sin.  But he needed a tether to bring him back day after day.  So, every evening and morning when he would hear the rooster crow, he would remember his sin and his need for grace.  The rooster also reminded him that your grace was his.  It was the perfect ministry of salvation for his soul too oft to wander.  You have placed some things in my life that I experience through the five senses that remind me of your word and grace every day too.  They create small quiet moments of reflection between you and me that no one else shares.  They remind me of my failures and of your mercy.  They drive me to feed on the table of your grace.  And when the moment of reflection is over, I’m left comforted and content in your arms.  Thank you for the “roosters” in my life.  Amen.

God loves every sinner too much to let them wander without roosters to call them back to his Son.