Tuesday, October 17th

“While Peter was still thinking about the vision the Spirit said to him, ‘Simon, three men are looking for you.  So get up and go downstairs.  Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.’”  Acts 10:19-20

Dear Holy Spirit, I see what you are doing in your church.  You are helping your church, starting with Peter, to see the world with new eyes.  The Jews viewed people with certain prejudices and opinions.  They viewed people and even things as clean or unclean.  But Jesus removed that designation and declared all people and things clean.  Your church needed to learn that then.  We need to learn that now.  Dear Spirit, where I am aware of internal opinions that I have about other people, reshape my opinions of people.  Help me to see them a new point perspective, yours!  Help me to see them a new point perspective, yours!  Where I am unaware of my feelings toward people, make me aware of those feelings so that I may love them with your love.  Dear Spirit-give me your eyes, give me your heart, give me your words.  I want to love people with the same heart that you have.  Create in me a new heart and I will spread your truth, the only truth that there is, to every person whom I meet.  Amen.

God-give us your eyes and your heart for all people no matter our differences may be!