“He said this to indicate by what kind of death Peter would glorify God. After saying this, he told him, ‘Follow me.’” John 21:19
Dear Lord Jesus, You have such love for Peter.After all that he did to you and against you, you came and you restored him.You welcomed him back with open arms and a glad heart.And then you called him to work for you.You didn’t just restore him, you invite him, called him, and even commanded him to work with you for the care of souls.You called and commanded him to follow you and to go where you led him.Lord Jesus, I can hardly comprehend this kind of love that you’ve also shown to me.You have restored me and welcomed me with open hands and a glad heart.You do not push me away, but instead draw me close.And more than that, you invite, call and command me work with you and for you to bring glory to God.Help me to follow where you lead.Help me to deny myself and take up my cross after you.You have done all this for me.Help me to live my life for you.Amen