“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be faithless, but believe.” John 20:27
Lord Jesus, What incredible love you showed to Thomas. You could have rightly expected him to hear and believe the eye-witness testimony of the other disciples. Surely there were enough witnesses there that he might be overwhelmed by their testimony. You could have just left him in his doubt and unbelief. But in love, you condescended to his weakness to show him that you were really alive. In love you came to him to give him overwhelming evidence for his own hands, eyes, and heart that he might believe. Oh, dear Jesus, such love for Thomas. You have the same kind of love for me. This account gives me a real example of the overwhelming way that you love me and all your people. You do not leave me alone in my weakness to figure it out; in love you come to me in my doubt and despair to reassure me that I am yours and that the victory is mine. You come to me in Word and Supper to constantly reassure me of your life. You didn’t have to do that! But you did! You did. You continue to come to me in my weakness so that I might believe! Thank you, dear Jesus. Amen.