Monday February 7th

“In the Lord I take refuge.  How then can you say to me: ‘Flee like a bird to your mountain.’”  Psalm 11:1

Lord God, There is much to fear.  My heart and my hands are shaking.  My mind is racing a million miles a minute.  But you, God, hold me in the palm of your hand.  But you, God, have a plan and purpose for me and for my life.  But you, God, have all things under your control.  But you, God, have loved me with an everlasting love.  But you, God, have redeemed me from death and made me your own dear child.  But you, God, are my refuge and strength.  Your everlasting arms are all around and underneath me on every side.  Help leave me to live in faith not in flight today.  Amen.

We live secure in our Savior and will not flee to a cage. We are already safe with him.  You can’t scare me!