Tuesday, October 25, 2022

“But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”  1 Peter 3:15

Lord Jesus, Life runs by me at such a pace.  There is so much going on.  I’ve my kids to get to school, get to sports, get back home for homework and bed.  Then we do it all again.  I’ve got my own stuff too.  I go to work, fix some dinner, pack some lunches, do some chores, and maybe even tackle a honey-do or two.  There is so much going on, that I hardly have time or attention to pay attention to the people around me.  I’m so worried about my own stuff that I don’t pause to be present with the people.  Lord, make me attentive and ready to give an answer about the hope that is in me.  You’re not asking me to convince them.  You’re not asking me to prove anything to them.  You’re just asking me to give my confession of faith.  You’re just asking me to tell them why I believe what I believe.  Make me ready to always tell them.  Make me attentive to the people around me so that I notice them, care about them, and look for an opportunity to tell them what you’ve done and what I believe.  Make me ready to give that answer, Lord Jesus.  Amen.