Monday, January 17th

“Now to you who believe, this stone is precious.  But to those who do not believe, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,’ and ‘A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.’”  1 Peter 3:7-8

Dear Jesus, You and your love have become the rock that my life is built on.  You give me stability, purposes and peace.  But I know people who scorn your name, ignore your message and make fun of people like me.  It’s comforting to see your apostle Peter reminding me that all this was spelled out in Scripture thousands of years ago.  You are the dividing line for all social grouping.  If a person is in Christ, he is my friend and family.  If not, he’s not.  Case closed.  Help me have an open heart to those who have closed theirs to you and me.  Make me comfortable being grouped with your people while being open to friendships with pagans.  Amen.

The trick of living as a Christian in the world is to take punches from people ignorant of Christ while not swinging back in frustration.