“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and the the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
Dear Jesus, As you let troubles go back and forth over your planet, I sometimes wonder what you’re doing. Right here in the middle of your sermon where you list off all the troubles of this age, you tell us what you are doing. You’re making sure the gospel is preached in every corner. So, right alongside of your action to resolve our temporary issues through family, friends, good government, and the medical community,--right along side of these, you are preaching the gospel of rescue to take us to another place. When you told us in this chapter about all these troubles that we would endure, you were in the very week that you would be dying to redeem us. I’m not going to forget that making sure the gospel is preached in every trouble is the biggest thing you are doing. Thank you for “small things” and the “big thing” you do in order to bless my life every day. Amen.
Sometimes our anxieties about our troubles are a sign that we have forgotten about the biggest thing you have done for us