Saturday September 11th


“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17

Dear Heavenly Father, I’ve noticed over many years of spiritual pursuit that faith never comes to me through my own pondering. I have to hear your word and then it stirs up faith in my soul. My heart cannot produce the goods needed to produce faith. Left to my heart’s desire I will wander off into wild places where there is no peace or power to live a godly life. But if I stay close to your word and listen to good Bible teaching, my faith is invigorated and grows. I make better decisions and bless more people. There it is in this passage,“ Faith comes from hearing the message about Christ.” You knew all along what we needed and so you planted the word on earth and in every generation you raise up preachers and teachers to drive it into our hearts. Thank you for not leaving me to find my way alone. Your grace made you fill my life with your word. Amen.

Don’t try to think your way through challenges, find a Bible passage and let it light the way for y