Saturday July 24th


“My soul, praise the LORD, and all that is in me, praise his holy name. My soul, praise the LORD and do not forget all his benefits.” Psalm 103:1-2

Lord God, As a Christian, you’ve given me the task of leading other people to praise you. You teach me to encourage others when they are down and discouraged. You tell me to proclaim the good news to those who are hopeless and downcast. But I fail to preach it to myself. Physician, heal yourself-you say to me. Mechanic, fix your own car, you want me to think. The hope that you want me to give to others is first and foremost for me. The encouragement that you want me to pass on to hold others up you give to me first to hold me up. O God, you are so good. Your benefits for me are far beyond what I can begin to imagine. You forgive all my sins-all of them. There is not one spot of sin left on my garments of righteousness. And the segments are also a gift from you. You heal my soul with this forgiveness. You have an eternity of joys waiting for me at your right hand. And beyond the eternal and spiritual gifts you give, you are also at work in my life in some amazing ways. The way you care for my family. The way you are at work among the people of our church. The way you are using me to serve other people. This is nothing but your hand at work. Yes, it is good for me to praise you. There are so many ways. Help me to find my joy I you even while I share it with others. Amen