Tuesday July 20TH


“The mighty King loves justice. You have established fairness; you have administered justice and righteousness in Jacob.”

Psalm 99:4

Lord God, You are mighty and you are just. You rule the nations with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. You watch over all things and all people; you never slumber or sleep. Why is it, then, that there seems to be so much injustice? Why do you seem to hide yourself at some of the most unjust times? Why do you even seem to be an enemy? Sometimes, O God, I want to shake my fist at you because I don’t get how you can be silent at such a time as this. Forgive me for thinking such things about you. You love justice. Whether you get it now or you get it later, justice will happen. You rule all things fairly and without favoritism. Keep on ruling the way you always have. I may not always understand why you do what you do. Sometimes I may not like it. But God, your ways are always good and justice. Teach me to trust you especially when I don’t understand. Amen