Monday, May 3rd


“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”  Matthew 5:7

Dear Jesus, Your whole life was about mercy.  You came to be merciful to those who deserved justice’s wrath.  You came to life shame and guilt from our shoulders.  You came to die so we might live.  You came to show mercy to the worst and the best.  How painful it must be when you see us mere sinners act as judge, jury and jail for fellow failures.  You want us to show mercy like you.  Fill me with your mercy so I am compassionate to those who hurt me or those I love.  Make an instrument of your restoration instead of your critic.  Help me overcome evil with your goodness.  It will take a miracle from your grace.  And I believe in you and your miracles.  Amen.

Vengeance makes the hurt never end.  Mercy is the only path to peace’s door.