Monday, April 26th


“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.  For in him you have bee enriched in every way-with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge.”  1 Corinthians 1:4-5

Dear Father in Heaven, You have been so, so good to me.  You have poured out riches upon me throughout my entire life.  At my baptism you washed my sins away and clothed me with Christ.  There you adopted me into your family.  Throughout my life, you have been at work to grow me in faith and to equip me for your service.  You have even given me specific callings in which I might serve and gifts with which I might serve you and others.  More than that, you have spoken to me about my future and you have told me that you will keep me until the end; you have told me that you are faithful and that you will not abandon me even to the grace.  Thank you for your abundant grace which you continue to pour out on me day after day.  Amen.

Take a moment this morning to do an inventory of the ways in which God has been gracious to you.  Go all the way back to your baptism.  Consider how he has shaped and molded you in different ways.  Ponder his promises about your future and what your faithful God will do for you.  Your God has enriched you in every way and has poured out rich grace on you in Christ.