Friday, April 23rd


“When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.  ‘Get up,’ he said, ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.  Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.’”  Matthew 2:13

Dear Jesus, You were conceived under suspicion, born in a hovel hotel and then your family had to run for your lives.  How could I ever think that you don’t understand my trials.  You experienced everything we do and then some.  Give me your wisdom and peace so when I go through similar struggles I can keep my life in perspective and learn to adjust my attitude to fit the situation.  Help me to remember that every event, no matter how random and negative it might seem, is still part of your wonderful plan for me.  Give me the faith to trust the plans you are executing even though you won’t show them to me until they unfold.  A thousand thanks are in order for your willingness to enter this world ruined by sin so you could redeem sinners like me.  Amen.

Jesus lived the same vulnerable life that we must live.  He understands us when we chaff under it too.