Friday, April 16th


“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”            Proverbs 31:30

Lord God, So often during my life I am pursuing a certain look, a certain appearance.  I want to look good before people.  I want them to value, validate and affirm me as a person who is someone.  And so I will dress myself up, put myself together, and seek to woo them with my words and behavior.  But none of this matters if my heart is still darkened by sin.  So, Lord, make a new heart in me by your Spirit.  Convert my heart and clean all sin out of it.  Come, dear Jesus, and make your home in my heart and set up your throne there so that I might live a life that pleases you.  Come, Holy Spirit, and rule in the members of my body through your great power.  I want to live godly life in this world because you have loved me deeply.  Change me from the inside out, O Spirit, that I might live a life that honors you from my heart into my life.  Amen.

The inner matters more than the outer.  This is not just true for women, but for all of us.  There is nothing we can acquire, achieve, or accomplish that will make us more beautiful and give us a higher value than what we have in Christ.  This inner disposition of faith and the fear of the Lord overflows into a wise life that is full of faith.