Thursday, March 11th


“The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.  The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense.”  Proverbs 10:20-21

Lord, Make my heart new and pure.  Of my own power, I cannot make my heart new.  I cannot control my tongue.  I am too weak.  My sinful nature is too corrupt and too powerful.  So, I pray, dear Savior, send your Holy Spirit to make my heart new.  I pray, dear Savior, kill my sinful heart and make it dead.  Then, raise up a new heart in me.  Create a new heart in me!  Then, Lord, give me power from your Spirit to control my tongue.  Give me wisdom from our Word to speak what is true and loving and helpful and encouraging.  Give me words which build up, which instruct, and lead many to righteousness.  Amen.

When Jesus changes our hearts and makes us new through faith and by the work of the Holy Spirit, then tongue is new.  Then we can speak words that are a blessing to others.  Then we can speak words that bring life and nourishment to the hearts of others.  Then we learn and are more able to hold our tongues and listen more.  Then we are able to think clearly about the conversation so that we can bring a wise word from God to it.  Then we gain discernment from the Spirit so that we know when to speak, what to say, and even if to speak up.