Monday, February 8th


“Great peace belongs to those who love your law, and nothing is a stumbling block for them.”                  Psalm 119:165

Dear Heavenly Father, You created your word for us so we would find you there and understand you.  You want us to know the truth about our human condition, our need for you and the great things you do for us.  In your word I find you telling me how you made me, saved me, even how you watch over my life.  I see what you are doing for me in heaven too.  I have peace from all these truths even when I’m going through hard times.  Without your word I would be lost.  Life can be so hard and confusing.  Your word gives me stability and strength.  It guides me through crazy times.  It calms me with your thoughts in place of mine.  I have great peace because I have your words.  Never let me forget them so I will be kept safe in my heart for all my days.  Amen.

One word from God can feed a soul for a whole life time.  How much more a whole book from him?