Tuesday, December 14th

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”  2 Thessalonians 3:5

Dear Heavenly Father, I love Paul’s prayer.  It touches on two of the biggest needs I have.  I need love and perseverance.  Both come from you.  They do not originate with me but I need them oh so desperately.  If I follow my heart there is a good chance I will end up in a black hole.  I need to follow you as you lead my heart.  Then I read that you will lead it into love and perseverance.  You know those whom I struggle to love.  You know how prone I am to avoid, criticize and blame.  You know how discouraged I get.  You see every nook and cranny in my soul.  Come Lord and Savior and lead me out of my dark corner into the bright light of forgiving and given love.  Lead me away from debilitating self-pity into an open transparent optimism based on your gospel of life now and life eternal!  Amen.

If your heart is running sluggish, check the fluids: grace, faith, hope and love.  With these filled back up you’ll be good to go!