Friday, December 10th

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  Ephesians 5:1-2

Dear Heavenly Father, How will I ever know if my life is pleasing to you?  I fail at so many things.  I’m constantly reminded of my shortcomings.  I wonder if I’ll ever get it right.  Here you tell me that if I am living in love and acting out of love, then my life is pleasing to you.  It’s the heart transformed by your gospel of love that pleases you.  I have been made your child through the grace of your Son.  As a family member, I bear your resemblance.  I’m compassionate, sacrificial, honest, humble and kind.  I’m not perfect but I’m redeemed and motivated by love.  Give me the wisdom and the discernment to live in love and not my natural tendencies.  Make me a vessel of grace for others.  Change my thinking every moment to reflect your love and not my self-centered fears and foibles.  Keep your Son’s life story in the forefront of my mind as my example, model and mentor.  Change me so that in my remaining days I will encourage and strengthen others in their lives.  Amen.

How to live in all circumstances has been clearly displayed for all people in the life of one man!