“If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.”1 Corinthians 15:19-20
Dear Jesus, Being genuinely tied to what I can experience with my five senses makes me long for the help that you give me for today more than for help you promise when I die. Like the old song says, “Everyone wants to go to heaven but just not right now!” But your faithful Apostle brings me back home to the core of your message. You came to win the battle against sin and death, not just to win over temporal problems. My day will come when you say “No” to every request for earthly rescue. You will let the worst calamity take my body and put it to rest. If I only hope for this life, I am the most pitiable preacher. But in fact, that’s not me. I do have hope that I will cheat death. My soul will never die! My body will rise again on the last day, just like yours did on Easter. Your Easter story foreshadows my own life story. Oh Savior, make me truly trust this good news and so live in hope that people can see, even when I face my own mudslide to the grave. Amen. Every earthly accomplishment will one day appear like a plastic little league trophy compared to the glories of heaven