Thursday October 21st

.“Blessed in the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit .Psalm 32:1-2

Dear Heavenly Father, I remember lying to my parents to avoid punishment. All my life I’ve been tempted to dishonesty in order to avoid being in trouble. I know I’m not alone. I inherited it from Adam. He was dishonest with himself when you came calling for him. I would never be able to abide appearing before you on the last day if I didn’t know your mercy. David says it here in the psalm; it’s a blessed life when we are forgiven. The grace removes the guilt and shame but there is an added benefit too. That forgiveness makes us honest. The need for a lie falls off. The power of an honest life is invigorating. Thank you for giving me mercy that restores me to honesty and peace. The peace and strength of honest confession and forgiveness have become the greatest blessing in my life for my relationship with you, people and with myself. Grace is that amazing! Amen.

Nothing works to restore a soul after the trauma of sin, like good naked mercy