“Then all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant. So King Belshazzar became even more terrified and his face grew more pale. His nobles were baffled.” Daniel 5:8-9
Lord God, How often am I in the course of my life using things that are meant to be used for your glory and praise to pursue sin, to give glory and worth to things that is not truly god. I don’t always see this idolatry, but if it isn’t for your glory then it is for something or someone else’s glory. And anything not for you is sin. Anything not for you is idolatry. Forgive me. Forgive me for misusing the gifts you have given me. Forgive me for using them for sinful purposes. Forgive me. Help me to rise up today to give you glory and praise with my whole life and with everything in my life. You have redeemed me to this end. You have redeemed me that my life might be dedicated and devoted to you alone. So, whatever I do today, whether I eat or drink, let this all be to your glory and praise. For you, LORD, are Lord of all. Amen.
Our God has redeemed us and everything in our lives for his glory and praise. Our God has redeemed us and all that we have for him. Let us rise up from this redemption and give him the glory that is his alone.