Wednesday, June 17th

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“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  Colossians 2:6-7

Dear Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  You have done it!  All that ever needed to be done for my salvation-you have done it!  Father, you laid out a plan for my salvation, not just at the cross of Jesus, but at the crossroads of my life.  You put people in my life so that I might know and believe in him; that they might bring me to the font; that they might bring me to the word and even bring the word to me.  And then you poured your Holy Spirit out on me.  You gave your Holy Spirit to me in all his fullness and all his glory and all his greatness.  He resurrected life and faith in me and I believed in you, dear Jesus.  I saw you as you really are.  True God.  Performing miracles.  Working wonders.  Raising the dead.  And true man.  Sleeping.  Eating.  Weeping.  Most importantly dying.  You have done it!  All that needed to be done for my salvation you have done it.  You have set me free from sin and death, from hell and all its evil.  You have set me free for a life ruled by your power and governed by your grace.  Help me to stay right here, Father.  Keep me rooted in you and strengthened by your Spirit.  Rule over me with mercy and overwhelm me with thanksgiving.  Amen.

Our Savior God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit-has arranged, orchestrated and accomplished our salvation in time and for eternity.  Root and ground yourselves in what he has done and do not leave this behind.  Any other root for the tree of your life in unsure and uncertain.