Saturday, June 13th

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“The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”  Proverbs 15:28

Dear Heavenly Father, How many times I have said let my selfish, evil thoughts slip out of my mouth unchecked!  I love this verse that reminds me that it’s a mark of righteousness by faith to lovingly wait before speaking to see if the thought I’m having is worth sharing.  Teach me O Lord, to slow down and filter my thoughts through the sieve of your word to see if my words would be in line with truth and love.  Words are so cheap and yet their power lingers long after they are said.  I respect the power of words so much that I don’t want to use that power to hurt or destroy.  Instead, I want them to build people up and encourage them.  Help me hit the pause button and think through what I am about to say.  Amen.

Words are like seeds; their true effect is felt long after they are planted.