Monday, May 4th


“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.” Jeremiah 31:31

Father, You are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  A father disciplines his child to train him, to teach him, to raise him up as his child, to teach him how to live in this world and with other people, and to help him to know who you are.  In the same way, Father, you discipline us so that we might know you, believe in you, and walk in your ways.  There are moments when you send us away to teach us.  That’s what you did for your people.  There were times when you sent them away.  There were times when you sent trouble on them to train them and help them to know who you are.  But here you powerfully promise to turn back the trouble and the misfortune.  Here you promise to be their God forever.  You promise to restore them and bring them back.  Father, you are truly a Father to me.  Discipline me, Father, but not in anger.  Train me to know you and to follow you.  Keep me from sin and unbelief so that it does not destroy me.  Restore me and, in my heart, give me the full joy of my salvation.  Father, you are truly a Father to me and to all of your people.  Do what you have promised and keep me as your child.  Do what you have promised and keep your covenant with me for all eternity.  Amen.

God promises to be our God for all eternity.  Nothing can undo what God has promised for when he has spoken a promise he cannot and will not change his mind.