“Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.” Acts 2:5
Lord God, Today I marvel at your wisdom and the way in which the gospel message spreads. In great wisdom you gathered people from every tribe, nation and language in Jerusalem on that first Pentecost and then, those people went home as carriers of the gospel message. And they were not silent. I often forget that I am a carrier for the gospel message. I forget that in my heart and on my lips are gospel truths that would save people from sin and death. I am too often a silent carrier of the gospel message. I too often keep my mouth closed when I should speak up. Holy Spirit, I pray, remind me every day that I am a gospel carrier, a gospel witness, a gospel messenger. As I come in to celebrate your grace this morning, so send me out today into my life with the gospel message always on the tip of my tongue. Remind that I am a carrier of this gospel truth and then give me words to speak when I have the opportunity. Give me words to share so that the gospel harvest may continue. Amen.
The Christian’s hope is contagious. As we find hope and courage in the death and resurrection of Jesus, so we pass it on to those around us by action and by word so that they may share our joy with us.