Tuesday, May 19th


“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalms 90:12

Lord God, These days go so fast.  The fun days seems to pass the most quickly.  The difficult days seem to drag on, but they too move from day to day as fast as the sun rises and then sets again.  Decisions must happen in a split second.  Our attention and our time is divided up among many different things.  These days go so fast.  I look back at my life and wonder where it all went.  I look at my calendar and wonder how I could do it all differently.  I pray, Lord God, give me a heart of wisdom.  Give me a heart of wisdom so that I may make choices that honor and set you as the highest and only priority in my life.  Give me a heart of wisdom so that I cut the clutter from my life and live a life that shows that you are my number one.  Protect me from danger.  Shield me from harm.  And help me to live my life and make choices for my life (and for my family) that recognize life’s shortness and eternity’s closeness.  Each day is a gift from you.  Give me a heart of wisdom to honor you in it.  Amen.

Time is short.  Eternity is close.  Live a life that always keeps in mind life’s shortness and eternity’s closeness.  The Lord is near.