Wednesday, April 22nd


“Who is this King of glory?  The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.”  Psalms 24:8

Lord God, The questions that David asks lead me to ponder more fully and more deeply who you are.  Who is the King of glory who comes?  Ah, Lord, you are strong and mighty.  You are the God who created the earth, the world and everything in it.  You are the God who laid the foundation for this world and all who in live in it.  You are the God to whom everything belongs.  Jesus, you are the Savior who tames the seas and commands the demons and sends them to the place where they belong.  You are the Savior who sets prisoners free, who gives sight to the blind, who gives hearing to the deaf, and speech to the mute.  You are the Savior who gave his life to redeem me and the whole world.  Who is this King of glory?  You are the God who rises up to defeat all of my enemies for me.  You are mighty in battle.  You are a warrior god who fights for me, for my salvation, for my safety, for my course in life.  You are a warrior God who fights and wins.  Thank you, Father, for these inspired questions that lead me to meditate on you and your greatness.  Help me to rise up today to greet you.  Amen.

Our King is a mighty, warrior King who rises up to defeat our enemies, who fights for our salvation, for our safety.  Our King is the almighty God who owns and rules all things for his people.