Saturday, April 11th


“He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive by the Spirit, in which he also went and made proclamation to the spirits in prison.”  1 Peter 3:18-19

Lord Jesus, Hell didn’t stand a chance.  Satan didn’t stand a chance.  The demons of darkness didn’t stand a chance.  Oh, they thought they did.  Satan laughed when Eve ate that fruit, and then God spoke of his downfall.  Hell smirked when the world of Noah’s day was so evil, and then God saved Noah and his family through water.  Satan must have danced a jig on your grave Jesus, but he didn’t stand a chance.  Yes, Lord Jesus, you were put to death in the body and it must have seemed to everyone that all was lost.  But it wasn’t!  Your Spirit came and made you alive and then all hell knew-they had lost!  You won victory over sin, over death, over hell and then you went to hell.  There and then you let them know that they had lost.  Yes, Lord Jesus, hell didn’t stand a chance.  Satan didn’t have a chance.  There are no sins now that can condemn me.  There is no death that can scare me.  Satan cannot taunt me because you, Lord Jesus, have won and have overcome.  You hold the keys of death and hell.  You lock the devil and his demons there.  And you keep me close to you now and forever.  Help me revel in your victory tomorrow as we remember how you rode into Jerusalem acclaimed as the king you really are.  Amen.