Friday, April 10th, Good Friday


“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will.’”  Matthew 26:39

Dear Heavenly Father, I was taught to fold my hands when I pray.  With these folded hands I’m humbly and confidently telling you, “It’s all up to you.  You answer as you think best.”  I don’t know about Jesus’ hands the night he prayed in Gethsemane.  I do, however, know how extreme anguish drove him face down into the dirt.  Before him stood a cup filled to the brim with the poison of the whole world’s sins.  Its every drop would be bitter right down to the dregs.  This horrendous cup was his to drink if he would save mankind’s souls.  And he would have to empty it alone.  No wonder he fell with his face to the ground in prayer that night.  Jesus’ deeply felt sin’s weight but did not refuse to bear it.  He prayed earnestly with tears but did not turn away from your will.  “It’s up to you,” he was humbly telling you.  He also was confidently telling you, “You answer as you think best.”  He trusted a Father who loved him.  How could Jesus do it?  The answer has to be divine love.  Out of love for you he came to this ball of mud where I live.  Out of love for me, a sinner, he stained Calvary’s dirt with his precious blood.  Because of your saving work, I can fold my hands in humble, confident prayer to you.  Even more so, I can live with you forever in your eternal home.  Amen.

Lord, teach me to pray.