Tuesday, March 24th


“Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”  Psalms 86:11

Lord God, This is what I need; this is what I ask.  Teach me your ways and give me an undivided heart.  Fill my heart so completely with a love for you and a trust in you that nothing can shake me.  Why is it, O God, that I grow afraid and overwhelmed when things and people threaten me?  Could it be, Lord God, that my heart is not fully captured by your love and fully trusting in your works?  That’s what you told the disciples when they
were terrified by the storm.  You questioned whether they were fully trusting in you.  “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”  Why is it, Lord, that I grow weary and tired in living my life?  Could it be, Lord, that I am trying to do things in my life that are yours to do?  Could it be, Lord, that I am pursuing things that are not good and will never satisfy?  That’s what you teach me again and again.  This is why I ask it, Lord.  Teach me your ways and give me an undivided heart.  There is no god like you in heaven and earth.  There is no one else who has created this world and cares for me like you do.  There is no one else who tore the heavens apart to rescue our sinful human race.  O God, give me an undivided heart that loves you fully and that trusts you completely.  Amen.

So much of our life is spent worrying and chasing.  There is no one like our God!  He will give us what need and protect us from eternal harm.  Set your heart on that and on nothing else.