Friday, March 13th


"A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weights the heart.”  Proverbs 21:2 

Dear Heavenly Father, Solomon said he got his wisdom from his father, David, and the Holy Spirit.  David was chosen by you to be king because you saw his heart.  You even passed up his older brothers because David’s heart beat in rhythm with yours.  You see the heart when we only see outward actions.  I know of people who have endless arguments about being “right.”  I have a few such arguments myself.  I love how your Proverb blows away all our self-rightous attempts to justify ourselves.  You weigh the heart.  I know you see how out of balance mine can be.  Please have mercy on me and forgive my sinful heart.  But take it further and purify my heart from all unclean and selfish thoughts and make me someone you like as much you love.  Make me holy from the inside out.  Amen. 

In Christ and his word, we clean up really well!