“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” Hebrews 9:14
Lord God, I can hardly imagine the pressure that the Old Testament regulations and rules placed on the worshipper, on the priest, on all of the people. They had to keep on bringing the sacrifices and they had to keep on bringing them the right way and at the right time. It was a never ending stream of sacrifices. I can hardly imagine that pressure, but I do understand it. Because, dear Father, I sometimes feel that same pressure about my life. I feel a pressure to do the right things at the right time and in the right way so that I will not fail you and let you down. I feel that same pressure to do the right things so that I do not fail others and let them down. I feel a pressure to do a little bit more, to work a little bit harder, to make up for wrongs that I’ve committed. But this verse sets me free, Father. Your blood, O Jesus, has cleansed my conscience from acts that lead to death. You have cleansed me from sin. And, moreover, you have done all that the Father required. And now, through your blood, which is better than any blood of bulls or goats, I can just go out and live my life for you and others. I’m not trying to measure up because I already do. I’m not trying to get your applause and pleasure because I already have it. I’m not working to get my freedom, I already have it. Thank you, Father, for setting me free to serve you. Amen.
There is no pressure on the Christian life to do the right thing. That pressure was removed when Jesus shed his blood. Now, because of his blood we are set free to do the right thing.