“After spending eight or ten days with them. Festus went down to Caesarea. The next day he convened the court and ordered that Paul be brought before him. When Paul came in, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him. They brought many serious charges against him, but they could not prove them. Then Paul made his defense: ‘I have done nothing wrong against the Jewish law or against the temple or against Caesar.’” Acts 25:6-8
Dear Savior, It often hurts me so deeply when other people push back against me and challenge my thinking or my ideas. It take it personally and feel the need to defend myself in their courtroom. It also hurts me deeply when I realize how deeply and greatly I have sinned and failed you and others. My own failures break my heart. I know my sin and it is always before me. Lord Jesus, show me that I live after the courtroom. All of my sins were cancelled and removed there. I have left your courtroom with your divine acquittal on my life and my Father’s ringing approval for me. Help me to live today with the confidence that court has already been adjourned. You treasure me greatly and are pleased with me. Help me to lift my head high and to respond to challenges and judgements knowing what your verdict of me already is. Help me to listen and learn. Help me to live confident of your divine judgment over me-I am forgiven and set free. Amen.
The gospel of Jesus gives us God’s divine judgment and verdict on our lives before we even do a thing. In the gospel we get the verdict before the performance.