“Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: ‘Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.’” Daniel 2:19-22
Lord God, All power and wisdom and might are yours. You are the only true God and the only One who is hands-on with your world and with your people. You were hands-on when you created this world, carefully and wisely and powerfully creating it all with your mighty word. You hand-made human beings and even have a direct hand in me; I am your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for God works which you pre-prepared for me to do. You are directly involved in all the affairs of my life, of my city, of my state, of my country and of this world. You are never far off. You see and you help. You see and you intervene. You manipulate carefully, wisely, powerfully, and lovingly all the affairs of this world. And you do it all in love and mercy. Today, almighty and all-knowing God, I praise you because of this wisdom and might which you hold and possess. I thank you that you teach and instruct me. I thank you that you have shown me and given me faith to trust you. Father, I trust you to care for me! Savior, I praise you because you have redeemed me. Spirit, I thank you because you have made me God’s special possession now and forever. Amen.
When God manipulates this world it is neither bad nor is it haphazard. It is all purposeful. It is all toward good ends and purposes. In his love and mercy to us, just as he did for Daniel, he may even give us a glimpse of the way he is working things out. But whether you can grasp his ways or you can’t, you can be sure that he is the God who has all wisdom and power. He will use that wisdom and power for your good on earth and, especially, for your eternity in heaven.