Monday, November 9th

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“When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord.”  Acts 13:12

Lord Jesus, There is nothing quite like your Word.  Yet, I am not always amazed at it.  Sometimes I find it ordinary, regular, sometimes even boring.  Sometimes I find it uninteresting and am not moved to get into it.  I know that’s the devil making me bored with something so life-changing.  I know that’s my own nature which doesn’t grasp or understand or appreciate what your Word always says.  Forgive me for my attitude toward your Word and raise up in me a spirit that loves, appreciates and treasures your Word.  Make the teachings I have so often heard before new in my heart and mind.  Make the things I have learned before come alive for me so that I have a new and deeper understanding of your word.  Open the eyes of my heart so that I may know the hope to which you have called me, the riches of my inheritance among the saints, and your mighty power at work for those who believe.  There is nothing quite like your Word.  Help me to treasure it daily and to feed on it deeply.  Amen.

There is nothing quite like the teaching about Jesus.  To it there is no beginning or end, no bottom or top.  When we hear God’s Word and the true teaching about our Lord, it completely knocks our socks off.  That is that the Holy Spirit brings to the Word.  He makes the spoken word carry more weight than a miracle.