Friday, November 20th


“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”  Acts 17:11

Lord Jesus, I do get tired.  I do feel a pressure and a burden and guilt and shame about my life.  I feel like I should be working harder.  I feel like I should be spending more time in your word and praying more and prayer more fervently.  I feel like I should be more active in my mission work, that I’m letting you down because I’m not more active in it.  I’m tired because of it.  Lord Jesus, I do want to work for you, but, first, convince my heart that you are not disappointed in me and that I have not let you down.  I am fully acceptable in your sight and you smile on me because of Jesus.  Jesus, you have earned for me full forgiveness for all my sins and complete righteousness for my failures to do what you have given me to do.  Help me to know this in my heart.  Let this truth overflow that there are not more checklists in my life to be checked; you have checked them all.  Then, let this overflow into my life so you are my motivation and souls are my mission.  Help me to serve you more gladly and speak of you more boldly.  Amen.

Now we get to dive into God’s Word and have a daily conversation with him through prayer.  We get to go out into this world with the gospel of Jesus on lips and on our feet wherever we go.  There’s no pressure.  Just opportunities to share Jesus and to be with him in his Word.