Wednesday, November 18th


“The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-he and his whole household.”  Acts 16:34

Lord Jesus, I want to be different.  My heart is a mess.  It feels things that it shouldn’t feel.  It wants things it shouldn’t want.  My life is a wreck, full of sin in more ways that I can remember or recount.  I want to be different.  I want to serve you with more joy.  I want to serve you with my whole heart.  I want to feel and react differently to the circumstances of my life.  I want to be different.  You redeemed me for yourself and I want to be more like you.  Let your gospel wash over me today like a river. True transformation is the work of the gospel in your heart.  Help me to know the truth that sets me free and the forgiveness that removes my sin.  Help me to meditate on your deep, deep love for me and all that you have secured and given me.  Send your Holy Spirit to make me new.  My transformation is not a project I can even begin to complete.  Do it for me, dear Spirit, that I may serve you with great joy and confidence.  Transform me into the likeness of Christ that I may serve and follow you in all things.  Amen.

True transformation is the work of the gospel in your heart.  True transformation is what the Spirit does as he changes you from the inside out.  He will do this work in you.  You are his masterpiece, created for good works that he sets in front of you.  Get out there and serve him today.