Saturday, November 14th

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“(James spoke up), ‘It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.’”  Acts 15:19

Dear Jesus, This is my simple prayer.  As I follow you in my life, help me to cling to you and to your blood alone as my salvation.  Your blood is the only thing that saves me.  Help me to find and develop spiritual disciplines that will help me to stay close to you.  Keep me from imposing my spiritual disciplines on other Christians or from burdening their consciences with things that have been helpful to me.  Keep me from making my spiritual disciplines the thing that I trust instead of you.  Yes, throughout my life, dearest Savior, help me to cling to you and to alone.  There is no checklist for me to complete.  You have done it all for me.  Thank you.  Amen.

Dear Christian, there is no checklist given to you when you become a Christian.  There is no list of things for you to do each day, week, or month.  Simply cling to Christ and his blood alone as your salvation.  He is your only salvation.  Then, live your life as one who has been called out of this world into his kingdom.  Live as one who is different from the world.  Simply put, this is what it means to be a Christian.