Thursday, November 12th

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“They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples.  Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.  ‘We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,’ they said.”  Acts 14:21-22

Lord God, Your gospel is the only thing that saves.  Your gospel is the only thing that converts.  Your gospel is the only thing that turns people from unbelief to faith.  We must preach it.  It is the only thing that will turn a hardened opponent into a passionate follower.  Yet it is hard and scary to go into what can be a hostile environment to share the gospel.  Fear makes my heart shake.  Anxiety makes my feet stand still.  But, God, you have called me to go.  You have given me your Spirit so that I will speak up with your gospel.  Overcome my fear and overwhelm my timid spirit with your Holy Spirit.  Give me a spirit of boldness and of love so that in any situation and in every circumstances.  I am bold to speak your Word.  Your gospel has saved me.  It has the power to save those in darkness who have the deepest opposition to you.  Lord, help me to roar like a lion with your gospel, never backing down, but lovingly, courageously and boldly going with the gospel, speaking for you even in the face of the harshest opposition.  Amen.

Lord, help me to roar like a lion with your gospel, never backing down but lovingly, courageously and boldly going with the gospel, speaking for you even in the face of the harshest opposition.