Friday, October 23rd

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“He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’”  Acts 9:4

Jesus, Sometimes I forget what a big deal sin is to you.  I forget how offensive, how odious, how personal sin is to you.  No matter what the sin is you take it personally.  No matter how I have sinned against other people, you take it as a personal attack against your person when I sin.  Forgive me, Jesus.  Forgive me not just for the sins I have committed, but the way I have personally sinned against you in my sins against others.  Forgive me for the way I have wounded your heart and come after you in my sin.  Forgive me.  And teach me to follow you in fuller, zealous ways.  Teach me to chase your mission and to pursue it with all my might.  Teach me to zealous in keeping your commands.  Teach me to bend over backwards for those around me that they might be saved and that they might know you.  Teach me to follow you to bear the cross wherever you lead.  Amen.

For Jesus this is personal.  He will do what he must to call out of sin and into the new life of a Christ-follower.