Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14
Lord God, What an astounding question this is. And I know what the answer is. I know what answer you want me to give to this question: “Of course they are.” This is astounding and awe-inspiring, “ Lord God. Your angels see your face. They come into your presence in heaven already. They are holy and perfect creations of yours. They are powerful beyond human strength. They are your special creation and you have made them to be ministering spirits to serve me and my salvation. You have made them to serve all who will inherit salvation. These powerful, elevated creations, you assign them to sinful human beings to guard them from danger, to guide us along right paths, and to serve us as we walk the way of faith toward heaven. O Lord God, thank you for revealing this to me that angels are serving me all night and all day whether I know it or not. I pray, Lord God, send your holy angel to guard me this day from all harm and every evil. Keep me from it this day. And when I lay my head down to rest send your angels to watch over me in my sleep and to guard me until the sun dawns on the new day. Amen.
Angels are a gift from God to serve and protect God’s people.