“When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” Revelation 8:1
Dear Jesus, How wonderfully simple and powerful that thirty minutes of silence were for John. After he had just consumed fantastic vision from the seven seals and was trying to digest everything he had experienced you gave him a reprieve to think and process. You knew that you were about to give him even more cataclysmic sights. So, the silence recalibrated him. Lord, help me to recalibrate spiritually by sitting silently before you and processing all that you have done for me and through me. It’s far too easy to busy myself and keep the television, phone, music, or radio running so I am never able to use the silence to sift through life. Teach me the value of resting quietly with you and contemplating life. I believe I will grow more consistently if I will use the quiet you provide to rejuvenate my faith. Amen.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words either for good or bad.