Tuesday, January 21st


“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”                    2 Timothy 1:7 

Dear Holy Spirit, Come and work in my heart and fill me with your power, with Jesus’ love, and with clear thinking about my life and about your working in and through my life.  Come and work in me because there is much that would make me timid and afraid.  There is much that would make me a slave again to fear.  I am insecure in my identity as your child.  I hear voices giving me a different name, a different value, a different identity.  Sometimes that voice is the one between my ears.  I am insecure in my callings in life.  I realize what is asked of me and required of me in all of my callings and often feel in adequate for what is laid before me.  Lord Jesus, I could go on.  You know the insecurity and the fear that lives in my heart.  So send your Spirit, dear Jesus, and give me your Spirit of power, of love and of sound thinking.   Convince me by your Spirit that my identity is tied up and secured in you.  You know those who are yours.  I am one of them.  Let this truth give me a secure identity.  More than, remind me, O Spirit, of the calling you gave me when you set me in my vocations.  You have thoroughly equipped me for the work you have given me to do.  You didn’t make a mistake.  You have placed me where I am.  You have entrusted me with the role you want me to fill.  You have made me sufficient for this.  O Spirit, come and fill me with your power and your love and give me a clear mind and sound thinking for the work you’ve given me to do.  Amen. 

Insecurity and fear comes from looking in at ourselves.  A powerful life flows out of looking at who we are in Christ.