Saturday, January 18th


Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”       1 Timothy 1:17 

O God, You are truly great.  You are worthy of all my praise.  Every knee in heaven and on earth should bow before you because you are eternal and immortal.  Though you are invisible, you are the only God!  You have made all things and in you all things have their being.  You hold this whole world together by your mighty hands.  In great and compassionate love for me, you have arranged and ordered my life to bring me to where I am today.  You have ordered my footsteps according to your Word.  You have shown me boundless mercy in saving me from sin and adopting me into your family.  More than that, O Father, you have called me to serve you in my vocations.  I get to be a pastor, a father, a husband (what are the vocations to which he has called you?)  You have given me great mercy in bringing me to this day in which I get to serve you.  And I know that even now after all that you have already done that you are not done yet.  This day and however many days after today that you give will still be ordered and directed by you.  Each of my footsteps are planned for me before I stepped out into them.  And when I set down my foot, by your mercy, I set down my foot into a spacious place and onto a rock solid foundation.  O God, you are truly great!  I commit this day to you and to your glory.  Amen. 

God has brought us to this day.  He has saved by for this day.  And he will use us in this day.