“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17
Dear Heavenly Father, When I look at the beautiful clouds of many fantastic shapes and sizes, when I hear the thunder and feel the smack of lightening, when I get caught in a wind storm or watch a placid lake rise up in a tumult, -I think, ”God you are awesome and powerful, more mighty than anything I have ever imagined.” I love how Jeremiah, thousands of years ago, allowed his observation of your power in creation to give him the confidence that nothing was too hard for you. If you can make and govern all of creation, what are our problems to you. You can handle all our needs and take care of all our sorrows. So, Oh God of nature, I give to you all my concerns. Watch over them and work them out just like you watch over this planet you have invented. Amen.
God made everything, why would he not also carry everything for us when we need him to.